Ecommerce is all about traffic

Constance Holmes FEBRUARY 26, 20205 MIN READ
Ecommerce is all about traffic

Traffic is very important in e-commerce as it increases your chances of making sales. There are different types of traffic, organic, paid and earned, which can all add value by directing interested parties to your site. Earned traffic is harder for companies to control as it refers to web content that is created by the consumer. Today, let’s talk about organic and paid traffic, which are more directly under the control of the company.


Organic traffic

  • Value of organic traffic

Organic traffic refers to all traffic to your website that comes from internet users clicking on your search result, after typing keywords or queries into search engines or bars, excluding those that click on paid advertisements.

The main benefit of organic traffic is that it is targeted. Users that click through to your site have specifically searched for your product and your site has been returned as one of the closest matches to what they’re looking for. Another benefit of organic traffic is that it’s free, and not limited by campaign lengths. This means that if you have taken the time to build out a great site, then users will continue being able to find you.

  • Increase organic traffic with quality postings

High-quality product postings increase organic traffic on as they improve the product’s information score. Products with higher information scores rank higher in search results, meaning they get more views from buyers. Product postings are considered high-quality if they have the following:

  • Titles of products should include the product’s function, features and advantages, and be less than 50 characters, to avoid the last part being cut off in some displays.
  • Keywords are important as they increase the probability of getting a search hit. It is recommended to have at least three keywords, and the use of synonyms is encouraged.
  • Descriptions of products should be detailed and include product specifications and materials. Information should be presented as a combination of graphics and text for maximum impact.
  • Images with one color backgrounds, where the product takes up the majority of the image, and no other items are present, are preferred. Multiple images and videos can be used to show the product from a variety of angles and in a variety of usage situations.

Note: the number of postings is also important, with sellers with more postings ranking higher.


Paid traffic

There are different options for increasing traffic through paid promotional activities. keyword advertising is definitely the one needs your attention.

  • Keyword advertising

Keyword advertising describes the process of paying for your site to be shown when a user searches for a specific keyword or phrase. In order to work well, effective keyword research needs to be done to make sure you are choosing the keywords that people use when searching for your product. An example of keyword advertising would be a women’s shoe company choosing “women’s sneakers” or “high-heeled boots” as the keywords which they would like to appear for.

  • Value of paid traffic

A benefit of paid traffic is that it is a fast and effective way to reach more buyers. Increasing traffic organically can take time, but traffic from promotional campaigns can have nearly immediate results. In addition, the actual set-up of promotional campaigns is often very quick and easy to do, with no technical skills required.

Another benefit of paying for promotional campaigns is that it can be very cost-effective. This is because campaigns can be very targeted, not only being shown dependent on what keywords are used, but also based on the geographic location, gender, or some other criteria, of the user. Moreover, when running a campaign, advertisers can set financial restrictions, such as daily budgets, to control costs.