How A/B testing can benefit your e-commerce business?

Kwontavious Billingsley FEBRUARY 27, 20205 MIN READ
How A/B testing can benefit your e-commerce business?

With more people buying and selling products online than ever before, you should be doing everything possible to improve the user experience on your e-commerce site. To be more specific, have you optimized your webpages to get the best customer conversions? If not, then you may want to start conducting A/B testing.


What exactly is A/B testing?

A/B tests are used to get the most out of your user traffic by optimizing your site or product page to promote the maximum amount of conversion. It allows you to take the guess work out of your user experience based on concert data from comparing different elements on your webpage. You show visitors different variations of your webpage and whichever variation gets the most conversion rates is the one you should implement.  


What can you A/B test?

The first step of A/B testing is to decide what to test. You should focus on things that will impact the user experience and even small tweaks can decrease user bounce rates. Here are some elements that you should consider:

  • Product title: Add or remove product information such as color, size and positioning. You can also try using alternative synonyms of your title.
  • Product keyword: Similar to the product title, try using alternative synonyms of related keywords.
  • Product picture: Try showing your products from different angles and play around with the picture size. Image background is also something to consider.
  • Product description: You can compare different description layouts from simple paragraphs to bulleted points. This can also include using customer reviews vs leaving them out.


How to optimize your buyer performance with A/B testing

  • Set appropriate KPIs & gather data: Determine your goals and divide which page elements you want to split-test by priority. This stage should center on which elements will help you increase your key conversion metrics.
  • Create different variations: After you identify which tests you want to run and compare, you need to brainstorm variations. Pick one single product for the goal of testing different variations of that product. During this stage, think about different colors, sizes, and description options.  
  • Start the A/B test: Calculate a sample size and then begin your test. If you don’t have a high level of traffic on your webpage, you can always buy traffic to get quick, efficient results.
  • Analyze the effectiveness: Once the test is complete, you can evaluate the results and decide if more testing needs to be completed. The main goal of your evaluation is to determine which variation of your webpage brought in the most conversions and to generate new ideas for future tests.



A/B testing is a powerful way to understand the effectiveness of your user experience and design choices on your webpage. By using the information from this post, you can start to conduct tests that drive conversions and sales. Implementing small changes from your A/B tests over time will allow you to stay ahead of the competition and maintain the best user experience for your customers.