3 Opportunities for Vietnam's Exports in 2024

Alibaba.com NOVEMBER 30, 202316 MIN READ
3 Opportunities for Vietnam's Exports in 2024

Amidst evolving global trade dynamics, Vietnam is on the brink of unparalleled opportunities in its export domain. Positioned strategically and boasting a strong foundation in various industries, the country anticipates a momentous trajectory in 2024.

This article explores the forthcoming prospects and potential trajectories awaiting Vietnam's main exports, navigating key sectors, emerging trends, and strategic initiatives that define the export landscape. It sheds light on the promising pathways ahead, offering an insightful glimpse into the landscape of possibilities awaiting Vietnam's exports.

Introduction to Vietnam's Export Landscape in 2024

The Vietnamese economy has seen recent immense growth, and this is largely driven by the export orientation of its economy. In addition to shifting towards a focus on exports, Vietnam has also integrated the latest innovations and best practices to boost its economic profile.

Overview of Vietnam's Economy and Trade

Vietnam has undergone substantial economic growth, transitioning from an agricultural-based economy to one propelled by manufacturing, electronics, textiles, and tourism. The nation's tourism sector, bolstered by relaxed visa policies, significantly contributes to economic progress, especially with the resurgence of Chinese tourists expected.

Trade has been pivotal in Vietnam's economic surge, supported by agreements like Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)1 and EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA)2, fostering international trade relations.

Key exports encompass textiles, footwear, electronics, and agricultural products such as rice, coffee, and seafood. Favorable business conditions and strategic positioning have attracted substantial foreign investment, spurring job creation and industrial development, albeit leading to increased imports of machinery and technology.

Technological Developments In Vietnam's Export Industry

Vietnam's export industry has also seen significant technological developments in recent years, driving its growth and competitiveness on the global stage. Some of the technological advancements are:

Manufacturing Automation

Vietnamese manufacturers have invested in automation technologies to enhance productivity and reduce production costs. Adopting robotic systems, computer numerical control (CNC) machines and advanced manufacturing processes has improved efficiency and quality in electronics, textiles, and automobile parts.

Information Technology (IT) Services

Vietnam has emerged as a major player in the global IT services industry. The country offers a skilled and cost-effective workforce for software development, IT outsourcing, and related services. Vietnamese IT companies have successfully developed software solutions for both domestic and international markets.

E-commerce and Digital Trade

E-commerce has witnessed substantial growth in Vietnam, driven by increased internet penetration and smartphone usage. Online platforms and marketplaces provide new avenues for Vietnamese exporters to reach global customers directly. Digital trade platforms facilitate seamless transactions and streamline supply chain operations.

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Technology has played a crucial role in optimizing Vietnam's logistics and supply chain management. The adoption of modern inventory management systems, real-time tracking, and data analytics has improved transportation efficiency, reduced costs, and enabled faster delivery times for exports.

Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies

Vietnam has recognized the importance of renewable energy and sustainability. The country has invested significantly in technologies like solar power, wind energy, and waste-to-energy conversion. These efforts not only promote the use of clean energy but also open up opportunities for exporting renewable energy solutions and related technologies.

These technological developments have not only boosted Vietnam's export capabilities but have also attracted foreign investment and strengthened its position in the global market. With continued focus on innovation and technology-driven growth, Vietnam's export industry is poised for further advancements in the years to come.

What are the Main Exports of Vietnam in 2024?

Vietnam has emerged as a key player in the global export market, with a diverse range of goods contributing significantly to its economic growth. Notably, the country has witnessed a remarkable surge in tourism, surpassing all other ASEAN nations in tourist arrivals, exhibiting an impressive 80% growth compared to 20193.

What are the Main Exports of Vietnam in 2024

This surge in tourism not only highlights Vietnam's allure as a travel destination but also underscores its growing economic potential. Below, we will delve into a comprehensive overview of Vietnam's primary exports per Vietnam export data, shedding light on the key industries that drive the nation's export economy.

Electronic components and mobile accessories

Vietnam's export success in electronic components and mobile accessories is attributed to its investments in infrastructure, technology, and skilled labor. Additionally, the country's participation in trade agreements has opened up opportunities for export growth. Vietnamese manufacturers have been able to establish strong partnerships with global businesses and successfully compete in the international market.

Many international brands have set up manufacturing facilities in Vietnam to capitalize on these advantages. As a result, the country's export of mobile accessories has experienced remarkable growth, catering to the global demand for smartphone peripherals and Vietnam has become a preferred destination for outsourcing electronics manufacturing, leading to a significant export market for electronic components.


Vietnam plays a pivotal role in the global textile industry through its strong focus on exporting:

Manufactured Garments

Vietnam produces various clothing items due to competitive costs, skilled labor, and significant foreign investment.

Textile Materials

Exporting diverse fabrics and textiles, Vietnam's modern machinery meets international standards and serves as raw materials for global manufacturers.

Integrated Supply Chain

Vietnamese producers manage the supply chain stages, ensuring quality control and efficiency, making Vietnam an attractive sourcing destination.

Vietnam's active participation in trade agreements like CPTPP and EVFTA has expanded market access, reducing trade barriers, and allowing its textile industry to flourish on the global stage.

Computers and electrical products

Vietnam exports computers and electrical products, contributing significantly to its economy:

Computer Hardware and Components

Vietnam excels in manufacturing desktops, laptops, peripherals (keyboards, mice, monitors), and components (motherboards, memory modules, graphic cards). Its skilled labor force, cost-effectiveness, and advanced manufacturing capabilities attract multinational companies, fostering growth in this sector.

Electrical Equipment and Electronics

Vietnam exports diverse electronic items like TVs, audio systems, home appliances, electronic components, and accessories. Manufacturers focus on meeting global demands by investing in technology, quality control, and complying with international standards.

OEM/ODM Services

Vietnam is a preferred hub for OEM/ODM services in computer and electrical products. Global brands outsource manufacturing to leverage Vietnam's expertise, efficient production, and cost-effectiveness. The country's ability to deliver quality and flexibility in production timelines fosters strong partnerships.

Vietnam's success in these sectors stems from its innovation, collaboration, and responsiveness to industry needs, solidifying its position as a competitive force in the global market.

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Shoes and footwear

Vietnam's export industry thrives on its significant footwear sector, bolstering its economy through:

Footwear Manufacturing

Renowned for diverse shoe types—athletic, casual, dress, boots, sandals—Vietnamese manufacturers excel in craftsmanship, precision, and detail. With skilled labor, competitive costs, and favorable investment conditions, they've forged strong ties with global brands, becoming trusted footwear suppliers.

Materials Expertise

Vietnam boasts a robust supply chain for footwear materials, encompassing leather processing and synthetic material production. They ensure high-quality materials, sourced locally or internationally, meeting stringent standards and manufacturing needs.

Design and Innovation

Embracing innovation, Vietnamese footwear blends functionality and fashion, offering trendy and appealing designs. Collaborations between designers and manufacturers create innovative styles, meeting both comfort and aesthetic demands.

Supply Chain Integration

Like other export sectors, Vietnam's footwear industry features vertically integrated supply chains, managing various production stages efficiently—material sourcing, cutting, stitching, assembly, finishing, and packaging. This integrated approach enhances Vietnam's competitiveness globally.

The footwear industry contributes significantly to Vietnam's economic growth, generating employment and attracting foreign investment. Vietnam's commitment to innovation, adherence to global standards, and partnerships with international brands solidify its position as a reliable and high-quality footwear exporter.

Agriculture and fishery products

Vietnam's export industry heavily relies on agriculture and fishery sectors, contributing significantly to its economic landscape:

Agricultural Diversity

Vietnam's rich agricultural exports span rice, coffee, tea, cashew nuts, rubber, spices like pepper, and tropical fruits like dragon fruit, mangoes, and bananas. With favorable cultivation conditions—fertile land, diverse climate, and ample labor—Vietnamese farmers use traditional and modern methods, adhering to international quality and safety standards.

Aquaculture and Fisheries

Leveraging its extensive coastline and river networks, Vietnam excels in exporting seafood—shrimp, fish, squid—globally. Effective aquaculture practices, including pond and cage farming, ensure sustainable seafood production. Stringent quality control measures uphold international standards, solidifying Vietnam's position as a top aquaculture exporter.

Value Addition through Processing

Vietnam's agricultural and fishery sectors don't solely focus on raw exports. The country adds value by processing products. For instance, coffee production includes roasted and instant coffee, while rice milling, fruit, and seafood processing enhance the value chain. Vietnamese facilities adhere to global certification standards, ensuring quality, hygiene, and safety.

Furniture and wood products

Vietnam's furniture and wood product industries excel in quality and innovation. With advanced technology and skilled labor, they produce diverse furniture and wood items, emphasizing sustainability. This sector's success, aided by collaborations with global brands and designers, ensures efficient supply chains and global market reach through trade agreements like EVFTA and CPTPP.

3 Opportunities for Vietnam’s Exports in 2024

Business owners and exporters can look forward to harnessing some important opportunities for export in 2024. Here are the top three.

3 Opportunities for Vietnam’s Exports in 2024

1. Emerging Export Sectors in Vietnam

Vietnam has been diversifying its export sectors beyond traditional industries, with several emerging sectors gaining momentum.

Innovation and Improvements in Textiles Industry

Vietnam's textiles industry is rapidly evolving, showcasing significant advancements:

  • Advanced Manufacturing: Embracing automation and computerization, the sector has enhanced efficiency and met global quality standards, boosting textile production.
  • Product Range Expansion: Beyond traditional textiles, manufacturers now offer garments, home textiles, and technical fabrics, diversifying offerings to cater to diverse market needs.
  • Sustainability Embrace: Driven by environmental concerns, the industry adopts eco-friendly materials, water/energy conservation, and adheres to global sustainability standards, appealing to eco-conscious consumers.
  • Technology Integration: Leveraging digital printing, robotics, and smart textiles, the industry ensures quicker prototyping, customization, quality control, and functional improvements, enhancing global competitiveness.
  • Skilled Workforce Advantage: With expertise in design, sewing, and quality control, Vietnam's skilled labor supports its attractiveness for textile manufacturing, bolstering its global presence.
  • Infrastructure Investment: Significant investments in industrial parks, transportation, and logistics facilities facilitate smooth raw material movement, reducing supply chain costs and elevating Vietnam's textile export capabilities.

Growth and Prospects of Seafood Exports

Vietnam's seafood export industry is a promising sector poised for growth, highlighted by key factors:

  • Abundant Resources: With over 3,000 kilometers of coastline, Vietnam accesses diverse seafood resources sustainably, including shrimp, fish, squid, and mollusks.
  • Global Demand Surge: Increasing worldwide demand for nutritious food has fueled interest in Vietnamese seafood, prized for its quality, flavor, and competitive prices.
  • Government Support and Trade Deals: Backed by governmental backing and trade agreements, Vietnam enjoys expanded market access and reduced trade barriers for seafood exports.
  • Technological Modernization: Adopting advanced techniques and logistics, Vietnam's seafood industry ensures quality and efficiency, meeting global standards.
  • Sustainability Focus: Vietnam emphasizes sustainable fishing practices and aquaculture, aligning with global trends for environmental responsibility and enhancing the reputation of its seafood exports.

Emergence of Electronic Goods as a Major Export

Vietnam's rise as an electronic goods export powerhouse stems from various factors:

  • The nation's attractive investment climate lures foreign investment, fostering a surge in exports.
  • A skilled workforce and strategic location in Southeast Asia enable efficient market access.
  • Growing domestic demand from an expanding middle class drives production and export growth.
  • Government support, infrastructure investments, and a robust supply chain further fuel this expansion.
  • Technological advancements in research and development enhance product quality, consolidating Vietnam's position in the global electronics market.

2. Regional and Global Market Expansion

Sitting in Southeast Asia, Vietnam is an important part of a rapidly growing region helmed by advances in manufacturing and digital platforms.

Strategies for Expanding Export Market

  • Diversification: Vietnam’s focus on varied sectors—manufacturing, textiles, electronics, agriculture—reduces dependence on specific industries or countries.
  • SME Support: With countless Initiatives aiding SMEs with financial assistance, capacity-building, and export services, the country enhances their role in exports.
  • Infrastructure Investment: Substantial investments in ports, airports, and logistics bolster export capabilities, reducing costs and enhancing efficiency.
  • Branding Efforts: Active marketing campaigns and participation in trade fairs promote Vietnamese products, enhancing visibility and attracting buyers.
  • Quality and Sustainability: Emphasizing adherence to international standards and sustainable practices boosts product reputation, buyer confidence, and global competitiveness.

E-commerce and Digital Platforms

By leveraging e-commerce and digital platforms, Vietnam's businesses can tap into regional and global market opportunities, promote their products and services, streamline operations, and establish direct connections with buyers.

  • Global Market Access: They break geographical barriers, allowing Vietnamese businesses to reach global customers.
  • Increased Visibility: Digital presence and marketing techniques boost visibility in global markets.
  • Direct Connectivity: Platforms facilitate direct interaction, fostering long-term partnerships irrespective of location.
  • Efficient Operations: Tools aid supply chain management, reducing lead times and improving customer satisfaction.
  • Market Insights: Data analytics provide valuable consumer insights, guiding business strategies and market expansion.
  • Payment Facilitation: Secure payment options simplify cross-border transactions for Vietnamese exporters.
  • Cost-effective Entry: E-commerce offers SMEs an affordable way to access and compete in new markets globally.

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3. Government Initiatives and Policies

Vietnam's export regulations are meticulously designed, blending stringent quality standards with flexible trade policies, fostering an environment that encourages international trade while ensuring compliance with global norms and standards.

Supportive Policies for Export Growth

Vietnam's robust export regulations and trade policies serve as the backbone of its international trade strategy. Notably, these regulations are bolstered by supportive policies aimed at enhancing the nation's export growth in 2024. In particular, initiatives focused on trade promotion, market diversification, export financing, and insurance are crucial drivers fostering avenues for improvement across various facets of Vietnam's export landscape.

Regulatory Compliance and Quality Assurance

Regulatory compliance and quality assurance are like the superheroes of the export industry. They can boost Vietnam’s exports in 2024 in several ways:

  • Improved Reputation: Demonstrating adherence to standards enhances trust, elevating the reputation of Vietnamese products and attracting more export opportunities.
  • Market Expansion: Meeting strict regulations allows access to markets demanding high-quality goods, unlocking new avenues for export.
  • Competitive Edge: Consistent delivery of internationally compliant products establishes Vietnam as a reliable exporter, providing a competitive advantage.
  • Barrier Reduction: Compliance efforts reduce trade barriers, ensuring smoother customs processes and fewer rejections of Vietnamese exports.
  • Customer Loyalty: Positive experiences lead to repeat business, fostering long-term relationships and ensuring sustained export growth.

Challenges Faced by Vietnam's Export Industry

Experts4 have pointed out short-term challenges faced by Vietnam’s export industry, such as potential Fed interest rate hikes, a strong USD, and decreased exports, particularly to the US and Europe, which set the stage for a deeper examination of the hurdles confronted by Vietnam's export industry. Below, we delve into a more comprehensive discussion of the multifaceted challenges faced by Vietnam's export sector.

Challenges Faced by Vietnam's Export Industry

Emerging Trade Barriers and Their Impact

In Vietnam's export journey, challenges like tariffs, non-tariff barriers, intellectual property protection issues5, emerging market access barriers, and geopolitical uncertainties pose significant hurdles. These obstacles impact cost competitiveness, require compliance adjustments, and affect market relationships. Despite these challenges, Vietnam has actively negotiated trade agreements, diversified markets, and enhanced domestic regulations to navigate and overcome these barriers, showcasing adaptability and resilience in the global export landscape.

The Challenges of Innovation and International Standard Compliance

Vietnam's export industry encounters challenges in innovation and adhering to global standards.

Firstly, embracing innovation demands a supportive environment and investments in research and development.

Secondly, meeting international standards requires substantial effort and resources, necessitating strengthened regulations and support for exporters. Moreover, enhancing branding and design to stand out in global markets requires strategic investments.

Lastly, strengthening supply chains for cost-effective exports calls for infrastructure improvements and partnerships.

Addressing these challenges is pivotal for Vietnam's export industry, fostering innovation, ensuring compliance, and enhancing global competitiveness, paving the way for growth and improvement.

Conclusion: The Future of Vietnam Exports

Summary of Key Findings

Vietnam's exports are diverse, spanning electronics, textiles, footwear, furniture, agriculture, and seafood. Key sectors include textiles, electronics, and footwear, benefiting from skilled labour, innovation, and global trade agreements. The agriculture and seafood industries also play vital roles, emphasizing sustainability and global standards.

Challenges include trade barriers and geopolitical factors. Government policies aim to promote trade, innovation, and infrastructure development for export growth. Despite obstacles, Vietnam strives to maintain a strong global presence through diverse exports and initiatives fostering innovation, compliance, and supply chain enhancement.

Moving Forward: Expectations For Vietnam's Export Industry in Beyond 2024

Looking ahead beyond 2024, Vietnam's export industry anticipates continued growth and progress. With diverse sectors like electronics, textiles, footwear, agriculture, furniture, and seafood, the country has a strong foundation for expansion. Sectors such as textiles and electronics, driven by skilled labor and global trade integration, promise sustained competitiveness. Embracing sustainability in agriculture and seafood aligns with global trends, ensuring ongoing market relevance. Despite challenges like trade barriers, Vietnam's proactive policies on trade, innovation, and infrastructure development position it well to navigate these hurdles. Overall, Vietnam's export industry is poised to maintain its upward trajectory, leveraging diverse sectors and proactive policies for continued global presence post-2024.


What are the key commodities expected to be exported by Vietnam in 2024?

The key commodities expected to be exported by Vietnam in 2024 are electronics, textiles, footwear, seafood, coffee, rice, and crude oil.

What projected changes or trends can we expect in Vietnam's export industry for 2024?

Based on current trends, we can expect significant growth in Vietnam's export industry in 2024, particularly in the sectors of electronics, footwear, and textiles due to robust global demand. Additionally, the ongoing shift of manufacturing from China to Vietnam and the implementation of free trade agreements are likely to further bolster exports for the country.

What is the estimated total value of Vietnam's exports in 2024?

According to the World Bank, Vietnam economy is expected to grow by at least 6.5% as its main export markets gain strength.

Which countries are likely to be the largest trading partners for Vietnam in 2024?

The largest trading partners for Vietnam in 2024 are projected to be the United States, China, and Japan, given their current significant trading flows and economic relations.

How is the Vietnamese government planning to promote exports in 2024?

The Vietnamese government is planning to promote exports in 2024 through implementing trade facilitation measures, enhancing product quality and diversification, and promoting trade relationships with strategic partners globally. They are also investing in technology and innovation, and providing supportive policies and incentives to exporters.

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1. https://www.dfat.gov.au/trade/agreements/in-force/cptpp/comprehensive-and-progressive-agreement-for-trans-pacific-partnership
2. https://policy.trade.ec.europa.eu/eu-trade-relationships-country-and-region/countries-and-regions/vietnam/eu-vietnam-agreement_en
3. https://www.dw.com/en/vietnam-emerging-as-southeast-asias-new-tourist-hot-spot/a-66126221#
4. https://www.agribank.com.vn/en/ve-agribank/tin-tuc/dtl?current=true&urile=wcm:path:/agbanken/ve-agribank/news/market-news/hsbc-vietnams-gdp-growth-is-forecast-at-5-this-year-and-6-in-2024#
5. https://www.vietnam-briefing.com/news/vietnams-new-decree-on-industrial-property-rights.html/#