Key Benefits Compared With Competitors

Expand your global reach with 40+ million active B2B buyers ease

40+ million active B2B buyers from 200+ countries and regions are at your fingertips.

0% sales commission

0% sales commission allows for unlimited upside. With no hidden fees, our membership plans set you up for simplicity, transparency, and growth.

Local services

Our advanced analytics and local support team enable smooth onboarding and sustained performance.

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맞춤형 스토어

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Advertising tools

Increase exposure by up to 120% by getting your products placed in the right spots to be noticed

Business opportunities

Select your industry to browse the industry insight and 20,000+ buyer requests each day.

Data and analytics

Improve performance with dashboards detailing product exposure, click volume, spend, average cost, store visits, and more.

Customers support

From onboarding help to online chats to local support during business hours and account optimization tips -- we’re here for you.