Reach over 47 million buyers worldwide

By opening an online store on, you can reach B2B buyers globally and sell all your products with no commission fees on sales. All you need is to get started!

Request a free consultation

Open your account.

Choose a plan

As a new company on the platform, choose from a number of membership and sales plans based on your needs.

Find out memberships and prices

Create your account

Follow a few simple steps to register a seller account on

Verify your business

Complete your business verification process with the support of an Account Manager to build trust between you and your potential buyers.

Create your company profile.

Upload the logo

Maximum weight 200kb
Format 1:1
File extension jpeg, jpg, png
File name max 30 characters and without special characters.

Insert 3 company photos.

Resolution 1200×675
File size max 200kb
File extension jpeg, jpg, png
Photo name without special characters.

Publish corporate videos

Video name max 60 characters
Duration max 35 sec
File size max 2.5 MB
File extension Find out available formats
Recommended format 16:9

Showcase your company

Brief Introduction max 256 characters
(Short descriptive introduction highlighting why the buyer should choose your company)

Detailed Introduction max 400 characters

Publish your products and activate your showcase

It is important to add all the products from your catalogue, both to have them always available online and automatically translated into 19 languages, and to have more chances of appearing in buyers’ search results.

This means that potentially you will get more exposure and consequently you will reach more customers.

You can add products individually or simplify the process thanks to the bulk upload tool.

When adding products, the intelligent publishing system uses Artificial Intelligence to suggest ways to optimize each listing based on the functioning of the algorithm and what buyers are looking for on the site.


Always choose a white background as it will help your products rating.

File size

Maximum 3MB.

Image format

Square, with dimensions of 640×640 or larger. The image must be square, 1:1.


The photos must be centered and should not contain multiple objects.

Quantity of photos

Minimum 3 photos per product, maximum 6. Photos with product usage scenarios are preferred.


Video name max 60 characters, duration max 45 sec, size max 100MB, resolution at least 720p.

Bring your product catalogue online to attract more customers.

A strong online product offering is essential to increase sales on a marketplace. Set up an online store on to reach international buyers and optimize product listings for maximum visibility.

Are you already selling on the platform?

Find out all the trainings dedicated to you on the use of the platform, digital transformation, and the most relevant sectors.

Find out more

Use the free app dedicated to sellers

Download the free AliSuppliers mobile app directly from your app store and manage buyer notifications and requests wherever you are. With the “Instant Messages” feature, you can easily negotiate quotes and respond to direct purchase requests without needing a PC.

Everything you need to seize every business opportunity while on the move.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the platform has initiatives to give traffic boosts to active sellers. The company can contact their Account Manager to understand the ideal number of products to upload to obtain this boost.


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Fill out the form with your details to be contacted by an expert from the team.

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