A&V is a critical component of the Gold Supplier membership as it establishes the validity of your company’s status and authorized contact person within the Alibaba.com B2B portal. A&V normally takes 1-2 weeks to complete, but may take longer if the information or documents you provide are incomplete or do not match with the relevant official records.
(A)uthentication will check with the local government company registration department, commercial agent, or tax department to verify if your company is legally registered and operated.
(V)erification will check if your contact person is an employee of your company and if he/she is authorized to represent your company to develop your business on Alibaba.com.
If not, please apply online Upgrade Now
If you are clear about the NOTE, please Click here to fill your company A&V application
Email all required documents to your Alibaba representative.
Verification company may email to require more, during the verification process.
After passing A&V, your Alibaba Gold membership service will be activated within 24 hours.